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Planned Giving


By including the Friends of The Preserve in your estate plans, you will be making a gift that supports education and conservation. Bequests can also provide tax savings for your family and heirs. If you do not have a Will or Trust, then we encourage you to put it at the top of your New Year’s Resolutions so that you are the one that designates who you want to receive your assets instead of the state. If you already have a Will or Trust, a simple “Codicil” or “Amendment” to the original document may suffice.

Remembering the Friends of The Preserve in your will is as simple as specifying the amount of funds, or the type of property (real estate, securities, savings bonds), or a percentage of your estate after providing for family and pets and other things important in your life, that you would like the Friends of The Preserve to receive.  You may also want to consider naming the Friends of The Preserve in your Life Insurance Policy, Retirement Plan or Financial Account. Simply contact your bank or your plan administrator for specific instructions.


You designate our organization as the beneficiary of your asset by Will, Trust or other instrument.

Bargain Sale

We purchase your property for less than fair market share value. You receive the cash and a charitable deduction for the difference between the market value and purchase price.

Charitable Annuity Trust

You transfer your cash or appreciated property to fund a Charitable Trust. The Trust sells your property tax free and provides you with fixed income for life or a term of years.

Charitable Gift Annuity

You transfer your cash or appreciated property to our organization in exchange for our promise to pay you fixed income (with rates based on your age) for the rest of your life.

Charitable Lead Trust

You transfer your cash or property to fund a lead Trust that makes gifts to us for a number of years. You receive a charitable deduction for the gift. Your family receives the remainder at substantial tax savings

Charitable Unitrust

You transfer your cash or appreciated property to fund a Charitable Trust. The trust sells your property tax free and provides you with income for life or a term of years.

Give it Twice Trust

You may be looking for a way to provide your children with income while making a gift to charity. The Give it Twice Trust is a popular option that allows you to transfer your IRA at death to a term of years unitrust.

IRA Rollover

On January 1, 2013, Congress passed legislation to avert the fiscal cliff. The law includes several important provisions that will allow you to support the causes you believe in using your Individual Retirement Account (IRA).

Life Estate Reserved

You may desire to leave your home or farm to us at your death, but would like to receive a current charitable tax deduction. A life estate reserved might offer the solution you need.

Sale and Unitrust

If you give a portion of your property to us to fund a Charitable Remainder Trust, when the entire property sells you receive cash and income for life.

For planned contributions please contact the Friends of The Preserve at:

Phone 830.992.0373
